NUMBER OF FUNDS 14 funds 23 funds 23 funds More than 45 funds 15 funds
MINIMUM DEPOSITS $1.000 per policy (S500 per fund! $1,000 per policy (S500 per fund) $1,000 per policy, (S500 per fund) $2,500 per policy (S500 per fund) $1,000 for registered plans; S5.000 for non-registered plans, S500 for the Capital Accumulator
ADDITIONAL LUMP SUM Minimum S100 Minimum $100 Minimum $500 Minimum $500 Minimum $500
DEPOSITS BY PRE-AUTHORIZED CHEQUE(PAC) $50 $50 $50 $100 $50 (S30 for Capital Accumulator)
CONTRACT MATURITY AGE Age 100 (can open contract until 81st birthday). Age 80 for locked-in RSP, LIRA, LIF (other than Quebec LIF). Age 100 (can open contract until 81st birthday). Age 80 for locked-in RSP, LIRA, LIF (other than Quebec LIF). Age 100, with limitations on guarantees Age 100, with limitations on guarantees Age 100, with limitations on final 10 years
FINAL 10 YEARS OF POLICY When a deposit maturity date occurs in the final 10 years of the policy, that date will automatically be moved to the policy maturity date When a deposit maturity date occurs in the final 10 years of the policy, that date will automatically be moved to the policy maturity date Maximum guarantee of 80% on all deposits after age 80 (extra quarterly fee charged) Deposits made to a non-registered contract past age 90, the guarantee is reduced to 80% of deposit value Guarantee drops to 75% on deposits. May be unable to make additional deposits in closing decade (reviewed case by case).
MATURITY BENEFIT 100% guarantee to age 100 100% guarantee to age 100 75% guarantee. Extra quarterly fee charged to increase guarantee to 100% (to age 80) or to 80% (after age 80). 100% guarantee. For deposits made to a non-registered contract past age 90, the guarantee is reduced to 80% of deposit value. 100% guarantee on deposits made before the closing decade; 75% guarantee on deposits during the final decade
DEPOSIT MATURITY TIME HORIZON 10th anniversary of the contract date and thereafter 10th anniversary of the beginning of each policy year in which deposits are made 10th anniversary of the contract date and thereafter 10th anniversary of the beginning of each policy year in which deposits are made Each deposit has its own maturity cycle 10 years after the beginning of each deposit year 10 years for each deposit. Each deposit considered an individual 10 year contract.
DEATH BENEFIT 100% guarantee 100% guarantee 75% guarantee. Extra quarterly fee charged to increase guarantee to 100% (to age 80) or to 80% (after age 80). 100% guarantee (for non-reg plans only). Reduced to 80% at age 80 (for reg plans). 100% guarantee on deposits made before the closing decade; 75% guarantee on deposits during the final decade. Some funds excluded from guarantee.
RESET OPTION Up to 6 times per year to age 90 (restricted to age 70 for LIFs in all provinces other than Quebec) Up to 2 times per year to age 90 (restricted to age 70 for LIFs in all provinces other than Quebec) Up to 2 times per year Maturity benefit: Automatic reset every 10 years. Death benefit: Automatic reset at each anniversary date with 4% simple interest minimum growth rate. Prior to closing decade of contract, the highest market value of each fund automatically becomes the minimum guaranteed amount. Deposits made in the closing decade have a 75% guarantee. Some funds excluded from 10% free withdrawal per year.
WITHDRAWALS 10% free withdrawal per year (for non-registered). 20% free scheduled withdrawal per year for RRIF. 10% free withdrawal per year 10% free withdrawal per year (for non-registered) 10% free withdrawal per year 10% free withdrawal per year
FUND TRANSFERS 4 transfers per year at no charge; up to 2% transfer fees for additional transfers. Minimum S250 per transfer. Up to 2% fee per transfer 4 transfers per year at no charge; up to S25 can be charged for each additional transfer. Requires minimum S500 balance per fund. 5 transfers per year at no charge; up to 2% fee for each additional transfer 5 transfers per year at no charge; S25 fee for each additional transfer
FUND MANAGERS Transamerica Investment Services (TIS) C.I. Mutual Funds Inc. RT Capital Management/ ING Investment Management/ Newcastle Capital Management AGF / AIM / Atlas / C.I. / Dynamic / Maritime Life Elliot & Page / Fidelity / GT Global / Merrill Lynch / O'Donnell /  Sceptre / Talvest / Trimar Maritime Life
ISSUING INSURANCE COMPANY Transamerica Life Insurance Company of Canada Transamerica Life Insurance Company of Canada ING Life The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Maritime Life
INFORMATION FOLDER SOURCE IP191 12/100   NN0889 E FMK (Rev. 07/100) MK0839E(11/11008) E4342 10/98