Some Canadian statistics
* From the Heart and Stroke Foundation
- 1 in 4 Canadians will contract some form of heart disease
- 75,000 Canadians suffer heart attacks each year
- The rate of death among patients hospitalized for heart attacks has been decreased by half, from 16 per cent to 89 per cent
- 1 in 2 heart attack victims is under age 65
* From the Heart and Stroke Foundation
- 50,000 Canadians suffer a stroke each year
- 75% survive the initial event
- Strokes are the leading cause of neurological disability
- 1/3 of stroke victims are under the age of 65
- 60% of stroke victims will be left with a disability
*From the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
- More than 50,000 Canadians have Multiple Sclerosis
- MS is the most common neurological disease among young Canadians
- Canadians have one of the highest rates of MS in the world
- Women are twice as likely to develop MS as men
*From the National Spinal Cord Injury Association of Canada
- More than 30,000 Canadians suffer from paralysis of 2 or more limbs
- Most persons who suffer spinal cord injury are between 16 and 30 years of age
- The most common causes of spinal cord injury are car collisions and falls
*From Canadian cancer society
- More than 130,000 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer this year
- 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer
- 1 in 3 women and 1 in 1.25 men will develop cancer in their lifetime
Coronary artery bypass surgery
* From the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Canada
- Bypass surgery is performed more on men than women by a ratio of nearly 4 to 1
- There are approximately 11,000 bypass surgeries performed in Canada each year
- The rate at which bypass surgery is performed on people age 65 and older has increased
Alzheimer disease
*From Canadian Alzheimer society
- Approximately 1 in 100
Canadians suffer from Alzheimer disease
- There are approximately
22,000 people in metro Toronto with Alzheimer's
- The disease occurs in 8% of the general population of 60
Kidney failure
*From kidney foundation of Canada
- Each day an average of 8 Canadians learn tat their kidneys have failed
- Approximately 2000 Canadians are on waiting list for kidney transplant